About Dr. Peter Foukal
Email: pvfoukal@comcast.net
Welcome to our resume and bibliography page. Please click on any subject area on the left for background details and information.
Education |
1966 |
B.S (Physics), McGill University |
1969 |
Ph.D. (Astrophysics), Manchester University, U.K. |
Experience |
1969-72 |
Research Fellow in Astronomy, California Institute of Technology |
1972-79 |
Research Associate and Lecturer, Astronomy Department, Harvard University |
1976-77 |
Harlow Shapley Lecturer, American Astronomical Society |
1978 |
Member USRA Committee on the “Future Perspectives of Solar Research” |
1978 |
NATO Senior Fellow, Nice Observatory France |
1977-81 |
Member, National Academy of Sciences Panel on “Solar- Terrestrial Physics in the 1980’s” |
1979-85 |
Senior Scientist and Vice President, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts |
1981 |
Member, NASA Solar Beacon Science Study Team |
1982-83 |
Chairman, National Academy of Sciences Ad Hoc Panel on Solar Synoptic Observations |
1983- 2010 |
Member, Board of Trustees and Corporation, Wheelock College, Boston, Massachusetts |
1984-85 |
Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to Mt. Wilson Observatory |
1985-1999 |
Founder and CEO, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. |
1985-90 |
Member, Evaluation Panel, National Research Council Research Associateship Program |
1985 |
Consultant, NASA Summer Study on Scientific Uses of the Space Station |
1985-86 |
Member, National Academy of Sciences Panel on Solar-Terrestrial Data Bases |
1986-87 |
Member, Instrument and Projects Advisory Committee, National Optical Astronomy Observatories |
1986-89 |
Member, Advisory Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, National Science Foundation |
1988 |
Chairman, NASA Solar Physics SR&T Peer Review Panel |
1989-90 |
Member, Solar Panel, NRC Astronomy Survey Committee |
1990-1993 |
Chairman, Steering Committee, Program on Radiative Inputs of the Sun to Earth (RISE), National Science Foundation |
1991-92 |
Member, Hale Prize Committee, Solar Physics Division, American Astronomical Society |
1992 |
Member, Visiting Committee, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado |
1992-94 |
Member, Visiting Committee, National Optical Astronomy Observatories |
1993 |
Member, Editorial Board, Solar Physics |
1997-2000 |
President, Commission 12, International Astronomical Union; (and President of IAU Division II) |
2011 |
Member, Steering Committee on Targeted Research and Technology, NASA Living-With-A-Star Program |
Member, National Academy of Sciences Panel on Sun-Climate Influences | |
Professional Societies |
American Astronomical Society, American Geophysical Union, International Astronomical Union |
Click on the general subject area at the left for a listing of our principal publications.
The Sun: Solar Rotation and Convection
“Magnetic Coupling of the Active Chromosphere to the Solar Interior”; Ap.J. 173, 149 (1972). |
“On the Rotation of Gas and Magnetic Fields at the Solar Photosphere”; P.V. Foukal and J.R. Jokipii , Ap.J. Lett. 199, 71(1975). |
“Spectroscopic Evidence for a Higher Rotation Rate of Magnetized Plasma at the Solar Photosphere”; Ap.J.Lett.203, 145 (1975). |
“Supergranulation and the Dynamics of Gas and Magnetic Field Below the Solar Photosphere”; Ap.J.218, 539-546 (1977). |
“A Doppler Measurement with Low Scattered Light of the Higher Rotation Rate of Sunspots at the Photosphere”; Ap.J.234, 716 (1979). |
“Comment on: ‘Average Photospheric Poloidal and Toroidal Magnetic Field Components near Solar Minimum”; P. Foukal and T. Duvall, Solar Physics 67, 9 (1980). |
“On the Interpretation of Fraunhofer-Line Doppler Shifts at Supergranule Boundaries”; P. Miller, P. Foukal, and S. Keil, Solar Physics, 92, 33 (1984). |
“Active Region Flows”; in Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics II, NASA Conference Publication 2483, G. Athay and D. Spicer, eds., 1987. |
The Sun: Chromosphere and Corona
“A Three Component Concept of the Chromosphere and Transition Region”; Solar Physics 37, 317 (1974). |
“EUV Observations of Sunspots with the Harvard Spectrometer on ATM”; P.V. Foukal, J.E. Vernazza, R.W. Noyes, E.M. Reeves, E.J. Schmahl, J.G. Timothy, and G.L. Withbroe, Ap.J.Lett. 199, 71 (1974). |
“The Temperature Structure and Pressure Balance of Active Region Loops”; Solar Physics 43, 317 (1975). |
“Plasma Diagnostic Techniques in the Ultraviolet: The C III Density-Sensitive Lines in the Sun”;A.K. Dupree, P.V. Foukal, and C. Jordan, Ap.J. 209, 621 (1976). |
“The Pressure and Energy Balance of the Cool Corona over Sunspots”; Ap.J. 210, 575 (1976). |
“Magnetic Loops, Downflows, and Convection in the Solar Corona” Ap.J. 223, 1046,(1978). |
“Comments on the Thermodynamic Structure and Dynamics of the Cool Solar Corona over Sunspots”, in “Physics of Sunspots”; L. Cram and J. Thomas, eds., SPO publication, p.191, 1981. |
“ Propagation of Magnetically Guided Acoustic Shocks in the Solar Chromosphere”; P.V. Foukal and M. Smart, Solar Physics 69, 15 (1981). |
“The C I Opacity and Physical Structure of Cool, Very Dense Plasma in the Solar Corona”; Ap.J.245, 304 (1981). - “The Thermal Structure of Solar Coronal Loops and Implications for Physical Models of Coronae”; J. Raymond and P Foukal. Ap.J.253, 323 (1982) |
“Darkness Can Illuminate”; Nature (News and Views) 358, 285 (1992). |
The Sun: Solar/Stellar Luminosity Variation and Terrestrial Impacts
“The Effect of Sunspots and Faculae on the Solar Constant”; P.V. Foukal, P.E. Mack, and J.E.Vernazza, Ap.J 215, 952 (1977). |
“The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Solar Luminosity”; P.V. Foukal and J.E.Vernazza, Ap.J 234, 707 (1979). |
“Solar Luminosity Variation; Observational Evidence and Basic Mechanisms”; Invited review presented at AAS Meeting, Wellesley, MA June 1979, BAAS 11, 423. |
“Solar Luminosity Variation on Short Time Scales”; Invited review presented at the Conference on the Ancient Sun: Fossil Record in the Earth, Moon, and Meteorites.R. Pepin, J. Eddy, and R. Merrill, eds., Pergamon Press. |
“On the Secular Behavior of Seasonal Changes in Ozone Column Density”; J. Vernazza and P.V. Foukal, Geophys. Res. Lett. 7, 993 (1980). |
“Solar Luminosity Variation on Human Time Scales: Observational Evidence and Basic Mechanisms”; Invited review presented at meeting of American Geophysical Union, Toronto, Ontario, May 27, 1980, in EOS 61, 355 (1980). |
“Solar Luminosity Variations on Time Scales 102-104 secs; Invited review in “Sun and Climate”;(CNRS publication), R. Kandel, ed., p.275, 1981. |
“Sunspots and Changes in the Global Output of the Sun”; Invited review in “Physics of Sunspots”; L. Cram and J. Thomas, eds., SPO publication, p.391, 1981. |
“Possible Influences of the Variable Sun”; Introductory review presented at the “Workshop on Solar-Terrestrial Effects on the Lower Atmosphere; Twin Cities, Minnesota, May 19, 1981, ONR report 81-6, G. Freier, W. Cross, eds., p.3, 1981. |
“Variations of Solar Luminosity”; Invited review in 2nd Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars Stellar Systems and the Sun”; M. Giampapa and S. Golub, eds., SAO special report 392, volume II, p.17, 1981. |
“A Thermal Model of Sunspot Influence on Solar Luminosity”; P. Foukal, L. Fowler, and M.Livshits, Ap.J. 267, 863 (1983). |
“A Summary of the IAU Joint Discussion at Patras, Greece, on Solar Luminosity Variations”; J. Eddy and P. Foukal, in Highlights of Astronomy, 6, 79 (1983). |
“Radiometric and Photometric Studies of Solar Luminosity Variations”; Invited review in the “Proceedings of the Indo-U.S. Workshop on Solar-Terrestrial Research” held in New Delhi, Jan 30-Feb. 3, 1984, M. Kundu, ed., National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. |
“Solar Luminosity Variation”; Invited review in the proceedings of the Third Neutrino Astronomy Conference, Homestake Mine, Lead, South Dakota, August 23-25, 1984. |
“The Influence of Faculae on Sunspot Heat Blocking”; W.H Chiang and P. Foukal, Solar Physics 97, 9 (1985). |
“The Influence of Magnetic Faculae on Total Solar Irradiance and Luminosity”; P. Foukal and J. Lean, Ap.J 302, 826 (1986). |
“Physical Interpretation of Total Solar Irradiance Variations”; Invited review presented at the AGU Special Session on Solar Variability, San Francisco, December 9-13, 1985, Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 801 (1987). |
“Magnetic Modulation of Solar Luminosity by Photospheric Activity”; P. Foukal and J. Lean, Ap.J.328, 347 (1988). |
“A Model of Solar Luminosity Modulation by Magnetic Activity Between 1954 and 1984”;J. Lean and P. Foukal, Science 240, 906 (1988). |
“Theoretical Interpretation of Total Solar Irradiance Variation”; Adv. Space Res. 8, No. 7, 43 (1989). |
“Solar Luminosity Variations Over Time Scales of Days to the Last Few Solar Cycles”; Invited review presented at the Royal Society, London, Feb. 1989, Phil.Tans.Soc., Lond. A, 330, 591, (1990). |
“An Empirical Model of Total Solar Irradiance Variation 1874 - 1988”; P. Foukal and J.Lean, Science 247, 566 (1990). |
“Solar Irradiance Variability from Modern Measurements”; C. Frohlich, P. Foukal, J. Hickey, H. Hudson and R. Willson, in “The Sun in Time”; C. Sonnet et al. eds. P., 11 (1991). |
“Do Changes in the Photospheric Magnetic Network Cause the 11-Year Variation in Total Solar Irradiance?”; P. Foukal, K. Harvey and F. Hill, Ap.Jlett.383, 89 (1991). |
“Solar Luminosity Variation”; invited review presented in October 1991 at the 12th NSO/SPO Summer Workshop-The Solar Cycle, Astr.Soc. of the Pacific Conference Series 27, 439; K. Harvey, ed (1992). |
“Stellar Luminosity Variations and Global Warming”; Science 264, 238 (1994). |
“Study of Solar Irradiance”; Eos 75, 381 (1994). “Solar Irradiance Variability and Luminosity Changes”; Invited review presented at the IAU General Assembly, The Hague, extended abstract in highlights of Astronomy 10, 294, I. Appenzeller, ed. (1995). |
“A Measurement of the Quiet Network Contribution to Solar Irradiance Variation”; P. Foukal and L. Milano, Geophys. Res. Letts. 28, 883 (2001). |
“A Comparison of Variable Solar Total and Ultraviolet Irradiances in the 20th Century”. Geophys Res Letts, 29,23 (2002). |
“Can Slow Variations in Solar Luminosity Provide a Link Between Sun and Climate?” Eos, 84,205,(2003). |
“ A Stellar View on Solar Variations and Climate.” P.Foukal, G.North and T.Wigley, Science, 306, 68, (2004). |
Comment on: ”Variations in TSI Produced by Structural Changes in the Solar Interior.” P.Foukal and H. Spruit, Eos, 85, 52,(2004). |
“Variations in Solar Luminosity and Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate.” P.Foukal, C. Frohlich, H. Spruit, and T. Wigley, Nature, 443, 161, (2006). |
“Did the Sun’s Prairie Ever Stop Burning?” P.Foukal and J. Eddy, Solar Phys. 245, 247,(2007). |
“Do Photospheric Brightness Structures Outside Magnetic Flux Tubes Contribute to Solar Luminosity Variation?” P.Foukal and P. Bernasconi, Solar Phys. 248, 1, (2008). |
“Dimming of the 17th Century Sun.” P. Foukal, A. Ortiz, and R. Schneer, Ap.J Letts.. 733, 38 (2011). |
“A New Look at Solar Irradiance Variation.” Solar Phys. 279, 365 (2012). |
"Dimming of the Mid-20th Century Sun." Ap.J 815, 9 (2015). |
"An Explanation of the Missing Flux from Boyajian’s Star" Ap.J.Letts. 842, 3 (2017)." |
"Reddened Dimming of Boyajian’s Star Suports Internal Storage of its Missing Flux" Res. Notes. AAS 1, 1 (2017). |
The Sun: Photospheric Photometry
“Detection of a Temperature Deficit in Magnetic Faculae at the Solar Photosphere”; P.V. Foukal, T. Duvall, and B. Gillespie, Ap.J. 249, 394 (1981). |
“Variations in Photospheric Limb Darkening as a Diagnostic of Changes in Solar Luminosity”; W. Rosen, P. Foukal, R. Kurucz, and K. Pierce, Ap.J. 253, 89 (1982). |
“Sunspot Bright Rings and the Thermal Diffusivity of Solar Convection”; L. Fowler, P. Foukal, and T. Duvall, Solar Physics 84, 33 (1983). |
“Photometric Studies of Heat Flow at the Photosphere”; Invited paper in “Proceedings of a Workshop on Solar Irradiance Variations on Active Region Time Scales”; Pasadena, CA, June 20-21, 1983 (NASA publication 2310, B. Labonte, G. Chapman, H. Hudson, and R. Willson, eds., 1984). |
“A Photometric Study of Heat Flow at the Photosphere”; P. Foukal and L. Fowler, Ap.J. 281, 442 (1984). |
“A Study of Solar Photospheric Limb Darkening Variations”; L. Petro, P. Foukal, W. Rosen, and K. Pierce, Ap.J. 283, 426 (1984). |
“Differential Photometry of Magnetic Faculae at the Solar Photosphere”; P. Foukal and T. Duvall, Ap.J. 296, 739 (1985). |
“A Photometric Search for Solar Giant Convection Cells”; W.H Chiang, L.Petro, and P. Foukal, Solar Physics 110, 129 (1987). |
“Comment on Asymmetry and Variations of Solar Limb Darkening Along the Diameter Defined by Diurnal Motion in April 1981 by Neckel and Labs, 1987”; P. Foukal, Solar Physics 120, 249 (1989). |
“Infrared Imaging of Sunspots and Faculae at the Photospheric Opacity Minimum”; P. Foukal, R. Little and J. Mooney, Ap.J (Letters) 336, 33 (1989). |
“Infrared Imaging of Faculae at the Deepest Photospheric Layers’; P. Foukal, R. Little, J. Graves, D. Rabin, and D. Lynch, Ap. J. 353, 712 (1990). |
“A Photometric Study of Faculae and Sunspots Between 1.2 um and 1.6 um”; T. Moran, P. Foukal and D. Rabin, Solar Physics 142, 35 (1992). |
“Properties of Faculae from Observations Near the Opacity Minimum”; P. Foukal and T. Moran in Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 154, D. Rabin, et al. (1994), p. 23. |
“A Bolometric Imager for Solar Irradiance Studies” SPIE Proceedings, 3442, 34 (1998). |
“Total-Light Imager with Flat Spectral Response for Solar Photometric Measurements” P. Foukal and S. |
“ Broad – Band Measurements of Facular Photometric Contrast With the Solar Bolometric Imager.” P.Foukal, P.Bernasconi, H. Eaton, D. Rust, Ap.J. Letts 611, 57, (2004). |
The Sun: Coronal Electric Fields
“Electric Fields in Coronal Magnetic Loops”; P. Foukal, P. Miller, and L. Gilliam, Solar Physics 83, 83 (1983). |
“Interpretation of Electric Fields in Coronal Magnetic Loops”; P. Foukal and D. Landman, in the Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 86 on EUV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas, G. Doschek, ed., NRL publication, P.25, 1984. |
“Electric Fields and Plasma Structure in Coronal Magnetic Loops”; P. Foukal, C. Hoyt, and L. Gilliam, Ap.J. 303, 861 (1986). |
“Paschen-Line Stark-Broadening as an Electric Field Diagnostic in an Erupting Prominence”;P. Foukal, R. Little and L. Gilliam, Solar Physics 114, 65 (1988). |
“Observation and Interpretation of Electric Fields in the Solar Atmosphere: A Review”; P. Foukal and S. Hinata, Solar Physics 132, 307 (1991). |
“Measurement of Polarization-Dependent Stark Broadening as a Diagnostic of Electric Fields in the Solar Atmosphere”; T. Moran and P. Foukal in ‘Solar Polarimetry”, L. November ed., Sacramento Peak Observatory Publication, p. 393 (1991). |
“An Electrograph for Measurement of Macroscopic Electric Fields in Prominences and Flares”; T. Moran and P. Foukal, Solar Physics 135, 179 (1991). |
“Measurement of Electric Fields in Coronal Magnetic Structures”; P. Foukal and B. Behr, in IAU Colloquium 144, V. Rusin et al. eds., (1994) p. 177. |
“Testing MHD Models of Prominences and Flares with Observations of Solar Plasma Electric Fields”; P. Foukal and B. Behr, Solar Physics p. 156, 293 (1995). |
“Spectrapolarimetry of the 15-9 Transition of H I as a Diagnostic of Plasma Electric Fields”; P. Foukal and R. Casini; Bull.Amer.Astr.Soc.June, 1996. |
“Calculated Profiles of H I Lines of Interest for Solar Plasma Electric Field Measurement”; R. Casino and P. Foukal, Solar Physics 163, 65 (1996). |
“Plasma Electric Field Measurements as a Diagnostic of Neutral Sheets in Prominences” Proceedings of IAU colloquium 167, D Webb et al., eds., p.119, (1998). |
The Sun: Magnetic Activity Indices
“The Curious Case of the Greenwich Faculae”; Solar Physics 148, 219 (1993). |
“The Behavior of Solar Magnetic Plages Measured from Mt. Wilson Observations Between 1915-1984”; Geophys. Res.Letts.23, 2169 (1996). |
“What Determines the Relative Areas of Spots and Faculae on Sun-Like Stars?’; Ap.J.500, 958 (1998). |
“Extension of the F10.7 index to 1905 using Mt. Wilson Ca K Spectroheliograms” Geophys.Res.Letts.25, 2909 (1998). |
"A Century of Solar Ca II Measurements and Their Implication for Solar UV Driving of Climate" P.Foukal et al. Solar Phys. 255, 229 (2009). |
Comment on "A homogeneous database of sunspot areas covering more than 130 years" by L.A. Balmacceda et al. J.Geophys. Res. 115, A09102, (2010) |
"An Explanation of the Differences Between the Sunspot Area Scales of the Royal Greenwich and Mt. Wilson Observatories and the SOON Program" Solar Phys. 289, 1517 (2014) |
The Sun: Solar Flares
“The Development and Flaring of an Active Region Exhibiting Unusual Magnetic Structure”; Solar Physics 13, 330 (1970). |
“Measurements of the Electron Temperature of Small 3-cm Radio Bursts”; Solar Physics 24, 411 (1972) |
The Sun: Magnetic Field Structure and Filaments
“Morphological Relationships in the Chromospheric H-alpha Fine Structure”; Solar Physics 19, 59 (1971). |
“Chirality, Helicity, and Joy’s Law”; Invited Summary presented at IAU Colloquium 167, op.cit. (1998) p.446. |
“The Use of Cavity Radiometers as Broad-Band Detectors of Solar Ultraviolet Flux Variation” in “Proceedings of the Workshop on Solar UV Irradiance Monitors”; Boulder, CO, July 31-August 1, 1980 (NOAA-ERL publication). R. Donnelly, ed., p.69, 1980 |
“A Helium-Cooled Absolute Cavity Radiometer for Solar and Laboratory Irradiance Measurement”; P. Foukal and P. Miller, SPIE Proceedings, 416, 197 (1983) |
"A Helium-Cooled Absolute Cavity Radiometer for Irradiance Measurements in the Laboratory and from Space Platforms”; P. Foukal, C. Hoyt, and P. Miller in Advances in Absolute Radiometry”; proceedings of a conference held in Cambridge, MA, June 24-25, 1985, P. Foukal, ed. |
“Advances in Absolute Radiometry”; P. Foukal, ed., Proceedings of an International Meeting held in Cambridge, MA June 24-25, 1985. |
“Comparison Between a Side-Viewing Cryogenic Radiometer and Self-calibrated Silicon Photodiodes”; C. Hoyt, P. Miller, P. Foukal, and E.Zalewski, SPIE Proceedings, 1109, 236 (1989) |
“Cryogenic Absolute Radiometers as Laboratory Irradiance Standards, Remote Sensing Detectors and Pyrheliometers”; P. Foukal, C. Hoyt, H. Kochling and P. Miller, Invited review presented at “CORM 89” National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, May 17-19, 1989, Applied Optics 29, 988 (1990) |
“Cryogenic Radiometers for Remote Sensing and Pyrheliometry”; P. Foukal, C. Hoyt, and P. Miller, Metrologia 28, 255 (1991) |
“Cryogenic Radiometers and Intensity-Stabilized Lasers for EOS Radiometric Calibrations”; P. Foukal, C. Hoyt, and L. Jauniskis, SPIE Proceedings 1493, 72 (1991) |
“Calibration of Ultraviolet Spectrometers Using Stabilized Laser and a Cryogenic Cavity Radiometer”; L. Jauniskis, P. Foukal and H. Kochling, Applied Optics 31, 5838 (1992) |
“Application of Cryogenic Electrical Substitution Radiometers in the Calibration of Solar-Terrestrial Remote Sensing Instruments”; Invited review presented at NEWRAD, Baltimore, MD, Oct., 1992, Metrologia 30, 279 (1993) |
“Advanced Absolute Radiometers Using Superconducting Transition Thermometers’; S. Libonate and P. Foukal, Metrologia, 37, 369 (2000) |
Diffuse Nebulae
“The Electron Temperature and Internal Kinematics of M8”; Astrophys. and Space Science 4, 127 (1969) |
“The Electron Temperature and Internal Kinematics of Seven Diffuse Nebulae”; Astrophys. and Space Science 5, 469 (1969) |
“Image-Tube Photography of Diffuse Nebulae in SIII 9532”; Ap. 173, 591 (1972) |
“A Measurement of Electron Temperature in the Orion Nebula from the Intensity Ratio of Forbidden Transitions in S III”; PASP 86, 211 (1974) |
The Moon
“A Possible Observational Correlation of Lunar Luminescence with the Kp Index”; Icarus 9, 162 (1968) |
The Sun: Popular Articles
“Portrait of a Useful Star”; Griffith Observer 43, 2 (1979). |
“Magnetic Loops in the Sun’s Atmosphere”; Sky and Telescope 62, 547 (1982). |
“Does the Sun’s Luminosity Vary?”; Sky and Telescope 59, 111 (1980). |
“The Variable Sun”; P. Foukal, Scientific American 262, 34 (1990). |
"How Reconstruction of Solar Irradiance Variation Helps Us Understand Climate Change" Solar Observer, April 2010 http://solar-observer.com |
"The Search for Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares." Physics Today, 61, 8 (2014). |
The Sun: Books
"Solar Astrophysics" Wiley-Interscience. 475 pp., May 1990; 3rd Revised Edition, Wiley – VCH, 2013 |
"Gus Meets the Queen" |
"A Matter of Some Importance" |
The Sun: Other Publications
“Induction Versus Deduction - Clues to Understanding Gender Differences in Approach to Science?” Gazette of the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics, American Physical Society, 22, 9 ( 2003) |
“Will Astronomy be Next to Hit the Funding Wall?” AAS Newsletter # 125 (2005) |
“Per Aerospace Ad Astra” AAS Newsletter # 134, (2007). “Scientific Entrepreneurship as a Career Path for Astronomers.” AAS Newsletter July/Aug (2009). |
“John A. Eddy: An Obituary.” Physics Today, 63, 60 (2010). |
“More Than One Fund for U.S. Entrepreneurs” Nature 479, 174 (2011). |
"Harold Zirin: An Obituary." Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc. 44, 8 (2012) |
"The Scientist as Entrepreneur" Coronal Courant, Vol.1, #3 (2011) |
"A Different Pathway to the Stars" Sky and Telescope 123, 39 (2012) |
"In a Land of Flab, Pedestrians Are Viewd as Suspicious." Boston Globe Letters, April 11, 2012 |
"Follow Obama's Lead and Take A Pay Cut." Nature 500 , 151 (2013). |
"Rewards and Risks for Physicist Entrepreneurs." Physics Today 66 , 8 (2013). |
"Really Reaching the Public; Face to Face" EOS, Feb 18, 2014 |
"Some Day, The Deniers May Have To Answer For Their Claims" Boston Globe Letters, March 1, 2015. |
"Formation of Society's Upper Crust is Part of What Makes America Work" Boston Globe Letters, May 17, 2016. |
"We Need to Pour More Talent into Science, Not More Money" Boston Globe Letters, December 18, 2016. |
"Notes on the New Big Science" Physics Today, 70, 3, 12 (2017)./td> |
"How Fascist is It?" Boston Globe Letters, Sept. 24 2020. |
"Engineering Better Science Education", Physics Today, 75, August 2022. |